
As we work to keep the needs of people with autism and their families in front of our state legislators this session; we are also working on federal autism legislation.

This week, staff were invited to meet with Sen. Hagan’s NC State Director, Deputy Director and her DC Health Policy staff (who joined the meeting by phone). We were able to discuss with them: the Autism Treatment Acceleration Act ( ATAA), the ABLE bill and the Uniformed Services with Autism (USA) Heroes Act ( which expands insurance coverage under TRICARE  and which Sen. Hagan has signed on to support.). Her staff plan to discuss these autism bills with the Senator and get back with us. For more information about this bills, click on

Scott Badesch, ASNC ‘s CEO, had an opportunity recently to discuss federal autism legislation with Congressman Larry Kissell and we will follow up on that visit as well.

We will keep you informed about the ways you can help us advocate for  federal autism legislation that will help people living with autism and their families in NC.

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