
Autism Society of North Carolina launches blog


In an effort to keep members of the autism community and our stakeholders informed regarding current events we have addedĀ this blog to our web presence. The following questions will help explain how we hope to use this to further our outreach efforts.

1. What is the purpose of this blog and how is it different from the Autism Society of North Carolina’s website? The blog enables our staff and Board to be able to share information as well as observations regarding news, events, and legisaltive efforts. The blog will provide ongoing commentary in a “real time” format, and enables us to provide links and information differently than our current website.

2. Why a blog versus email alerts? We will still send outĀ our monthly e-updates and action alerts. However, much happens in between emails and the blog enables us to provideĀ you with ongoing information. You can subscribe to the blog, enabling you toĀ receive notifications when new info is posted.

Thanks for reading!

David Laxton
Director of Communications

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