Wake Support Group – Parents of Teens Meeting

Wake Support Group: Parents of Teens Meeting
Saturday, April 26 | 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Creative Living Center, 6300 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh

Parents and caregivers to teens with autism are invited to attend a support meeting, led by ASNC Wake Support Group host Cheryl Walfall-Flagg. This is an open discussion meeting and geared for families with teens who are mainstreamed in school. Sensitive materials may be discussed; teens should not sit in on this meeting. No RSVP is required, just come if you can.

Please follow the ASNC Wake Facebook Group for updates and any potential cancellations.  https://link.edgepilot.com/s/a0f15c24/eFjX_2ZvSUy4QXyuj3P6nw?u=http://www.facebook.com/groups/asnc.wake

Event Details
April 26, 2025 3:00 pm