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Posts Tagged ‘autism anxiety’

Working with Students with Autism Before the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching, and it can be a time of high anxiety for people with autism. I teach and tutor young people with autism, and I have autism. I also work with specialists in related fields. We all help students with reaching educational and behavioral goals. I am going to provide some input…

Autism in the Friendly Skies

While it is impossible to foresee every scenario or emergency, as a flight attendant, I would like to share some tips for parents traveling on a plane with an autistic child.   Booking your flight Notify your airline at the time of booking about your need for assistance and any accommodations they can provide such…

Flourishing in Work that Fulfills

Kaitlin Moncol had a tough time finding a job that was a perfect fit. She wanted to work near her home in Raleigh, but most of all, she wanted to work in art, which was her passion. Kaitlin, who was diagnosed with autism before her second birthday, worked with an Employment Supports Professional from the…

Keeping Your Family Safe in a Storm

Dear Families, Friends, and Supporters, As we find ourselves in the possible path of a hurricane, we share your concern about the safety of your loved ones. We wanted to take a moment to let you know that ASNC is here for your family. To help you prepare, we are sharing some helpful resources on…

Shutting Down Like an Overloaded Computer

Why does your computer suddenly choke on you? Are 1,000 windows open? Is YouTube playing while Facebook is showing cat videos? Is a browser doing some sneaky scans on the hard drive? Itā€™s all eating the data and memory. Too many tasks at once! Computer crash! Well, imagine an autistic brain working like that. Give…

Make the Most of Family Outings

Meaningfully participating in community outings is one of the most important areas that we can address, for any individual with or without autism. Community-based experiences provide opportunities to work on social skills, following instructions, transitioning appropriately, and otherwise learning how to just be around other people. But being in the community can be very stressful…

Focus on Anxiety at the Annual Conference

Dr. Patrick Friman, who has more than 30 years of experience as a licensed psychologist, opened the Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s annual conference with ā€œAnxiety and Sleep: Addressing Lifeā€™s Challenges.ā€ For those who were not able to attend his presentation in Charlotte, we are sharing highlights of the anxiety portion here. Dr. Friman began…

Visual Schedules Important Even as Children Grow Up

My son Logan is 18 years old, soon to turn 19. I have learned over the years how important it is to Logan to have a visual schedule. The schedule must be specific as well as complete. The details of his day must be spelled out and available for him to see. Not having something…