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A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

Archive for the ‘Personal perspectives’ Category

A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

This article was contributed by Kim Tizzard, Associate Resource Specialist Director/Education Coordinator and mom to a son with autism. When my son was very young, his challenges, in all settings, seemed insurmountable. In particular, the thought of taking him out to church, school, a grocery store, or really anywhere that involved the public sector made…

Magic of Sesame Street Lets Us #SeeAmazing

This article was contributed by Amy Perry, an ASNC Autism Resource Specialist and mom to a daughter with autism. I’m going to get personal. When I heard Sesame Street was launching an autism initiative, I was very happy, and in some ways, I felt it was long overdue. I grew up watching Sesame Street and…

PALS creates joy at Sanderson High School

It was 5:45 p.m. on a Thursday, but the cafeteria of Sanderson High School in Raleigh was abuzz with activity. Teens in togas and tutus flitted back and forth, hanging streamers and taping grinning ghosts and grimacing skulls to the walls. Platters of donated snacks and cupcakes were set out on tables in one corner,…

Camp Royall: A Special Place Because of Special People

Each year, hundreds of individuals with autism experience the magic of summer camp at the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Camp Royall. At the end of the summer, we put together a magazine full of stories and photos of the life-changing experiences. Below, we share the story of a family that has made a difference in…

Be Prepared: Carry an Autism Survival Kit

This article was contributed by Wanda Curley, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Triad and mom to a son with autism. We live in a busy, fast-paced world that can be full of change and surprises. For most of us, planning ahead and being prepared for those last-minute changes is helpful. For individuals with Autism…

Triangle Run/Walk for Autism: ‘One of our Favorite Days of the Year’

The second Saturday in October is a special day to 9-year-old Seamus Millet. On his family’s calendar, it is marked with a puzzle piece, and he counts down the days. Seamus, who was diagnosed with high-functioning autism just before his fifth birthday, is a veteran of the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism, the biggest fundraiser of…

Have Your Say on Innovations Waiver

This article was contributed by Kerri Erb, ASNC’s Chief Program Officer. UPDATE: The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the changes to the Innovations waiver are now proposed to go into effect November 1 to allow for additional training and preparation, and to provide additional time for approval of the…

Tips and Strategies to Address Challenging Behaviors

This article was contributed by Nancy LaCross, ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in the Raleigh area. As a parent of an adult child with autism, I understand firsthand how difficult it can be to support a loved one with significant behavioral challenges. I can remember reaching out to one professional after another looking for the magical…

Interview with an Artist: Kaitlin Moncol

Kaitlin Moncol is a 22-year-old artist from Raleigh who was diagnosed with autism when she turned 2. As Kaitlin prepares for her first independent art show, we asked her and her mom to share some thoughts about her life, her art, and autism. Below we share their responses, edited for brevity. Kaitlin’s art is hanging…