ASNC Annual Conference 2024

Archive for the ‘Autism Society of NC’ Category

ASNC 2024 Conference | Building the Foundation: Best Practices in Autism

The Building the Foundation Conference hosted by the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) was a big success this year. More than 300 people were in attendance for this annual event held on Friday, March 8, at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center on the North Carolina State University campus in Raleigh.   Energy was…

Innovations Waiver Up for Renewal – Public Comments Needed

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the Innovations waiver is up for renewal. In NC our Innovations (1915c) waiver is generally approved for five years.    The NC 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services Innovations Waiver’s current 5-year cycle period will expire on June 30, 2024. NC Medicaid’s goal is…

Focus | BFAST and Supporting the Black Autism Community

The Autism Society of North Carolina has some exciting news to share. After many months of collaborating with The University of North Carolina’s TEACCH program, we are excited to announce the creation of a new website for North Carolina families. BFAST was created in partnership with members of the Black community to create easily accessed, culturally sensitive, and…

The Barbershop: Supporting the Black Autism Community

Highlighting Community Leaders Supporting the Black Autism Community   Barbershops and beauty salons hold a special place in the black community, valued for their emotional significance and historical importance as centers of cultural affirmation, personal growth, and knowledge for people of color. Beyond being places for haircuts and beauty treatments, they are vital social spaces…

What is Tailored Care Management?

The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) is now a provider of Tailored Care Management (TCM), a Medicaid program that officially launched across the State of North Carolina in December of 2022.    Tailored Care Management (TCM) is a new Medicaid service that seeks to integrate care for individuals covered by Medicaid services managed by…

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. and Autism Awareness

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. national holiday represents so many meaningful things- peace, love, and empowerment for those who are marginalized.  As a Black parent of a child with autism, it also represents inclusion to me.  There is no question that families impacted by autism have to do things differently.  And that includes how…

Behind the Scenes with an ASNC Support Groups Specialist

  The role of the ASNC Support Groups Specialist is truly unique. There are seven Support Groups Specialist positions across the state, six of which are filled by a remarkable team of ladies who serve their local regions. Have you ever wondered how an Autism Society of North Carolina Support Group leader developed their group…

Sarah Waller, an ASNC Registered Behavior Technician Who Goes Above and Beyond

One hot summer day, Sarah Waller’s car broke down on her way to work. Waller is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) who implements Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) plans for the Autism Society of North Carolina. Rather than cancel the session with the client and their family, Waller walked three miles in 100-degree heat to make…

Applied Behavior Analysis: Misconceptions and Quality Indicators

At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we believe that every autistic individual and their family has the right to high quality, person-centered, autism-informed services that recognize and value the individual’s neurodiversity. For individuals and families who pursue applied behavior analysis (ABA), we encourage you to advocate for a provider offering modern ABA. ABA represents…