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Programa de Apoyo al Empleo: Ayudando a los adultos a encontrar el trabajo adecuado

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Programa de Apoyo al Empleo: Ayudando a los adultos a encontrar el trabajo adecuado

Artículo publicado en la revista de ASNC, Spectrum, en febrero del 2022. En el año 2021, el personal de Apoyo al Empleo (Employment Support) de la Autism Society of North Carolina ayudó a más de 220 adultos en su búsqueda de empleo. Los adultos con Autismo empezaron a trabajar en una variedad de funciones, incluyendo…

Mensaje del CEO / Directo General Ejecutivo de ASNC

Artículo publicado en la revista de ASNC, Spectrum, en febrero del 2022. Mientras reflexiono sobre el final del año 2021 y el comienzo del 2022, me doy cuenta que tenemos que darnos mucha esperanza en momentos de incertidumbre. A pesar de que desearíamos no estar enfrentando los desafíos asociados con el COVID-19, hemos visto la…

Clinic-Based ABA Programming for Early Learners in Wilmington

The Autism Society of North Carolina is now offering clinic-based services for young learners diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through the LifeLong Interventions program in Wilmington. The goals of our program are to encourage engagement and learning through play in a motivating and enriching environment and to support emotional regulation development and skill building….

Camp Royall: The Training that Creates the Best Counselors

So many people work hard to make summer at Camp Royall a reality, including facility staff, lifeguards, activity directors, and counselors. Just as we enjoy seeing campers grow over the years, we also enjoy seeing the professional development of our staff as they return summer after summer. For many people, working as a counselor at…

New Year’s Resolutions and Autism – A Promise to You

Happy New Year! Many people approach the new year as a time to focus on bettering themselves. In fact, making New Year’s resolutions has history in both Western and Eastern cultures and dates back many centuries – a fun tidbit I learned in preparing for this blog. Our friends at Wikipedia define resolutions as a…

North Carolina Public Policy Update: State Budget Passes, Tailored Plans Delayed

Medicaid Transformation Delay While the news below about the budget is very good, delays in passing a state budget coupled with the realignment of county MH/DD/SAS management among LME MCOs mean that the long-awaited Medicaid Tailored Plan rollout will be moved from July 1, 2022, to December 1, 2022. Tailored Plans are an integrated health…

Community Inclusion and the “Olmstead” Plan

North Carolina recently went through an 18-month planning process to develop a new document outlining the steps that the state should take to ensure that people with disabilities are able to live, work, learn, and enjoy their lives alongside everyone else in their communities. Plans like this set meaningful goals to address the barriers people…

A Letter of Love and Gratitude from the Clinical Team

During this Thanksgiving season, members of our Clinical team reflected on their gratitude for the individuals and families they serve. The Clinical Team is thankful to provide support to all members of the North Carolina autism community. As one member of the team wrote to parents: “I’m grateful for your trust in me because I…

Join a Family Chapter for Support, Education, and Fun

Now that the kids are settled into the new school year and the holidays are approaching, are you looking for some activities with families that “get it”? Check out our more than 70 Chapters and Support Groups serving families in 73 counties across the state! They are offering many events and meetings – outdoor, online,…